Shopping list

for today:
one red pepper, five apricots, one liter of whiskey, 2 liters of coke, one yogurt
ah healthy living, but its vegetariannn!!!!

2 self portraits

This is what I'm looking like these days

New Goal

Going home soon so I have nine songs to finish
The album will be called El Placer Es Mio and it will be my defining work of Agentina,
I'm pumped
Currently listening to Blink 182 live album

The City is

Empty.  Hola? Hola?

One month, Four Pictures

This month was filled with lots of traveling around Argentina and Chile.

I went and saw some lake then I spent some time in Chile drawing and playing guitar, writing christmas songs
Then I spent New Years alone at the the times square of Chile, lots of cheesy bands and fireworks
Then I got to back to the roof where I first played in BUenos Aires!  It was great to be back, I love this place, so peaceful, great view of the city and really my own little retreat, like a hideout

It was a really great month and thanks to everyone who put me up and let me draw you, that took guts